Business EnglishTest Professional school Welcome to your Business English Test This English Test consists of 55 multiple – choice questions. We suggest you allow 30 min. to complete the test. Good Luck Inserisci i tuoi dati prima di iniziare Risultati : 0 – 10 level A1 Preliminary 11 – 20 level A1/A2 Elementary 21 – 29 level A2 Elementary 30 – 39 level B1 Intermediate 40 – 50 level B1/B2 Advanced 51 – 55 level B2/C1 AcCept proficiency Nome - Cognome - Età Email Telefono Città 1. An Entrepeneur is: a farmer a client a manager a person that run a business risking his own None 2. Franchisees: receive the shop forniture from the franchisor give the shop forniture to the franchisor invest capital in advertising is part of a mutinational None 3. What ISN’T an advantage in multinational? taxes payed increase local goverment funds Imports can be reduced as more goods are produced in the country the jobs created are often unskilled None 4. What IS an advantage in a cooperative? to share the costs to have the same point of view there is equality in decisions None 5. What ‘s of these methods of payment is used when there is a good relationship between the Company and the Customer: cash with order cash on deliver open account none None 6. Which of the following is not used in market segmentation? Age Income distribution channel none None 7. The Human Resources Manager: is responsible for market research is responsible for distribution is responsible for recruiting and training staff none None 8. Telephone banking means: customers go to their banks in person customers deal with their banks by phone customers send text messages to their banks none None 9. The Marketing Manager: is responsible for market research is responsible for buying raw materials is responsible for recruiting and training staff none None 10. What ‘s of these methods of payment is used when the importers pays for goods when he places the order: cash with order cash on deliver open account none None 11. Why are the buyers prepared to pay more for branded goods? because they like the advertising of the good because they feel that they are getting the best because the quality of branded goods is always better than quality of unbranded goods none None 12. The Purchaising Manager: is responsible for market research is responsible for distribution is responsible for rescruiting and training staff none None 13. Talking about e-mails the message includes: salutation – body – closing – signature salutation – closing – signature bosy – closing – signature none None 14. Globalisation has had her major effects on developing countries alone on developed countries alone on both developing and developed countries none None 15. What has been the most important revolution in Commerce mails fax internet none None 16. The fours Ps are place – price – promotion – premium product – place – price – promotion place – primary – price – promotion none None Time's upTime is Up! Trustpilot